Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sewing Started

When I was a little girl my Nana asked me if I wanted to go school shopping for my first day of school. I informed her we would be heading to the fabric store because she was going to MAKE all my clothes for the first week. Even though I sobbed for my mother not to leave me in that Kindergarten class alone, I was by far the best dressed at school that week.

Years later my Nana finally sat me down and taught me the basics of sewing, I fell in love with the whole concept of fabric, and the time it took to makes something so beautiful. It peaked my interest enough for me to know that one day I was headed to NYC for fashion school. Many years went by and other things became more important: boys, cheerleading, school, work, college (yes that fashion school in NYC), marriage, "big-girl" job, pregnancy, motherhood - and then I finally had some time.

About a year after having my daughter, I was in place where I didn't know where my life was headed. My husband had bought a restaurant and his hours were crazy. I felt bad leaving my daughter in full time care to go back to an industry (PR) where I would hardly see her except for a couple hours a night.

I decided to buy a new sewing machine to give myself a hobby. I had no idea what I was doing. It had been awhile since my foot had pressed the pedal. I carried myself to the fabric store, bought a pattern and the cheapest fabric they had and went to work. It was like therapy. Had I finally figured it out?

No, I haven't 'figured' it out yet, but I'm still working on it! I do enjoy having a passion that I'm good at and love. I get to wake up every morning inspired by my life and what I see around me. I love making my own patterns (even though they don't always turn out great), picking out beautiful fabrics, and seeing the finished product knowing, "I DID THAT!"

I hope everyone gets to wake up and feel like that.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Best Present Ever

After months and months of begging, my husband finally got the hint and bought me a french dress form to help me with my sewing for Christmas. this is by far the BEST present I have ever received!

A couple months ago my mom bought one very similar to mine, her's was more for decoration though. Anyway she keeps it in her dinning room and puts vintage dresses she collects (yes, a love for vintage runs in the family) on her. She even named her, Elizabeth Taylor. Yes, I know this sounds odd, and your probably thinking my mom needs to get her head checked, but if you saw the rest of her house you would see just how cute this all looks in her house.

I thought naming it would create some more creative juices flowing. Any suggestions

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back At It!

Well its been awhile since I've blogged but I know I know I'm really gonna do my best to get back to it!

I've been super busy working on my sewing machine and really making a conscience effort to build my business. I love making clothes and my goal for this year is to really start making my living doing just that. My focus on my blog is going to based on my inspiration and my business.

Over the next couple months I will be showing all my inspiration for my upcoming spring collection!

I currently have an Etsy shop now where I sell refurbished vintage clothing, handmade pieces and vintage patterns. Click Here to view details of my Etsy Shop!

Currently I have some winter pieces in my shop so SHOP AWAY so we can make room for Spring!

Hope to really make a commitment to blog two or three times a week. Between trying to move, be a mom to a two year old, trying to find a school for kids, and working essentially two jobs - You can imagine I'm super busy! BUT I really hope to make a commitment and build my business more!

Happy New Year All!

xo R