Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Even though its cold enough for a winter coat out there today, I was in desperate need of doing some Spring Cleaning of my closet this weekend. Able to part with a few things, I thought I would offer some great pieces up to anyone who reads the blog. 

(All payment will be processed through paypal. For more info on any piece please email me directly at




$75 (PURCHASED FOR $345)













Friday, April 13, 2012


In my mind I am an extremely creative person, however I often lack the ability to actually put it to paper.

Since we recently moved to a new and slightly larger condo here in Cleveland Park DC I realized we had a massive amount of wall space and not nearly enough things to fill up the blank white space. Its a rental, so painting was out of the question but since we are going to be here for at least a year I want it to feel like home as much as possible.

I decided to start with my little girls room, after all decorating with pink is always fun, and it gave me a chance to let out my inner craft goddess. DISCLAIMER: I thought this would be a great project to do with my daughter. HOWEVER 2 1/2 is simply to young. This could be great for an older child. 

What you need:

Canvas (I bought in a set of 4)
Mix Matched Martha Stewart Paints
Several Different Size Painting Brushes
Stencils or Adhesive 3D Crowns of other shapes that interests you/child
Self Adhesive bejewels to add more BLING

The Paints

Paint each canvas desired back color.
Let dry over night.
(May require several coats)

All four canvas Buttercup Yellow

(At your own risk) I let little Sophia paint the
purple crown, which I later wiped off and re-did :)

Painted Crown 

Paint each one different color - NOTE: I noticed
each crown needed careful and multiple coats of

Sophia wanted more "Bling" so we added self adhesive
rhinestones. Finished product looks SO CUTE in
her room!

Again I'm not the most crafty person but this was a super cute and easy craft project to add character to her room. Great weekend project!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Geometric Luv

Geometry never really was my thing but I do love a fabric filled with fun geometric shapes and bold colors!

Check out some of our AWESOME VINTAGE FINDS in our ETSY Store!

1970's Awesome Vintage Black/White/Orange  LOVE

Fun Mini $22

$35 Vintage Sundress with matching belt

Check out the rest of our store StyleSoigne!

COMING SOON - are HIGH END CONSIGNMENT Clothing & Accessories!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What Sophie Wore

Getting dressed in our house is becoming a full out war. My almost 2.5 year old daughter somewhere along the way developed an opinion, attitude, and her own sense of style.

Where did that sweet little girl go that gazed at me with loving eyes and wore whatever I put her in with out any complaints. She has been replaced by a small 2.5 year old going on 12.

Usually I think of Monday as a NEW day! I start out with a happy attitude and calm sweet voice while my daughter and I converse for several minutes about what does and doesn't match. She tells me she wants a butterfly shirt and I run around the house searching for a stupid butterfly shirt gritting my teeth trying to keep a smile on my face. All in hopes of making it out of the house in record time so I can make my coveted gym class. The morning usually ends in crocodile tears, frustration ("Not THAT butterfly shirt, MOM!"), and if I actually do make it to the gym I'm never on time for the class.

As a last resort I decided to let my daughter pick her own clothes out. As long as she is covered, I can't complain. By picking out her own clothes I feel I am letting her express her individuality and creativity and no matter how silly I think she looks, she walks around town bursting with pride of her fashion creation.

As a mother I think its best sometimes that we just pick-and-choose our battles. I'm willing to let you pick out your own clothes, but taking your pants, shoes, and socks off the moment we walk into McDonalds is NOT appropriate.

This outfit was picked a couple weeks ago. She was dead set on wearing a pink skirt. PINK. The weather that day was chilly and she compromised with me and wore leggings underneath. It's not what I would have picked, but she loved it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm a maniac

I have been all over recently! Motherhood, an upcoming move (to Cleveland Park), and keeping busy sewing up a storm are keeping away me away from my blog. : (

The hubby and I finally (after 4 years of marriage decided to upgrade from our small 2 bedroom apartment in Dupont Circle to an amazing 3 Bedroom Condo in Cleveland Park. I moved to the city four years ago and have only lived in Dupont Circle so I am beyond ecstatic to discover a new part of the city. Not to mention we have a pool at our new place. I can't wait to start nesting my own place and finally get to decorate a home the way I have always wanted.

Next up Motherhood, well thats a full time job in itself. Raising a two year old DIVA is very challenging some days. So challenging that I'm eager to meet new mothers who are in the same boat on treaturous waters that I am in. Some of my stories are so ridiculous I'm pretty sure I could write a million page book.

My sewing is going AMAZING! I'm so proud of my hand-made pieces soon to come up in my Etsy store. I'm also SUPER excited for my upcoming vintage & redesigned vintage collection, housewives collection, and some great partnerships I have coming up! I can't wait to show off all my handwork. I am hoping most of the collection will be up by March 15th ( I need time to MOVE!)

I'm hoping everyone will stay with me as I go through this transitional stage in my blog. Somedays it maybe fashion inspired, DIY, inspirational, complaints of motherhood, recipes, fitness or anything else that could possibly cross my mind. I'm in desperate need for a creative outlet in all aspects of my life so my blog will be my haven.

If your interested in finding me on all the social media outlets that are out there try these:

Facebook: Soigné
Twitter: Chicdc202
Instagram: Chicdc202

Can't wait to share all these exciting changes in my life!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sewing Started

When I was a little girl my Nana asked me if I wanted to go school shopping for my first day of school. I informed her we would be heading to the fabric store because she was going to MAKE all my clothes for the first week. Even though I sobbed for my mother not to leave me in that Kindergarten class alone, I was by far the best dressed at school that week.

Years later my Nana finally sat me down and taught me the basics of sewing, I fell in love with the whole concept of fabric, and the time it took to makes something so beautiful. It peaked my interest enough for me to know that one day I was headed to NYC for fashion school. Many years went by and other things became more important: boys, cheerleading, school, work, college (yes that fashion school in NYC), marriage, "big-girl" job, pregnancy, motherhood - and then I finally had some time.

About a year after having my daughter, I was in place where I didn't know where my life was headed. My husband had bought a restaurant and his hours were crazy. I felt bad leaving my daughter in full time care to go back to an industry (PR) where I would hardly see her except for a couple hours a night.

I decided to buy a new sewing machine to give myself a hobby. I had no idea what I was doing. It had been awhile since my foot had pressed the pedal. I carried myself to the fabric store, bought a pattern and the cheapest fabric they had and went to work. It was like therapy. Had I finally figured it out?

No, I haven't 'figured' it out yet, but I'm still working on it! I do enjoy having a passion that I'm good at and love. I get to wake up every morning inspired by my life and what I see around me. I love making my own patterns (even though they don't always turn out great), picking out beautiful fabrics, and seeing the finished product knowing, "I DID THAT!"

I hope everyone gets to wake up and feel like that.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Best Present Ever

After months and months of begging, my husband finally got the hint and bought me a french dress form to help me with my sewing for Christmas. this is by far the BEST present I have ever received!

A couple months ago my mom bought one very similar to mine, her's was more for decoration though. Anyway she keeps it in her dinning room and puts vintage dresses she collects (yes, a love for vintage runs in the family) on her. She even named her, Elizabeth Taylor. Yes, I know this sounds odd, and your probably thinking my mom needs to get her head checked, but if you saw the rest of her house you would see just how cute this all looks in her house.

I thought naming it would create some more creative juices flowing. Any suggestions

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back At It!

Well its been awhile since I've blogged but I know I know I'm really gonna do my best to get back to it!

I've been super busy working on my sewing machine and really making a conscience effort to build my business. I love making clothes and my goal for this year is to really start making my living doing just that. My focus on my blog is going to based on my inspiration and my business.

Over the next couple months I will be showing all my inspiration for my upcoming spring collection!

I currently have an Etsy shop now where I sell refurbished vintage clothing, handmade pieces and vintage patterns. Click Here to view details of my Etsy Shop!

Currently I have some winter pieces in my shop so SHOP AWAY so we can make room for Spring!

Hope to really make a commitment to blog two or three times a week. Between trying to move, be a mom to a two year old, trying to find a school for kids, and working essentially two jobs - You can imagine I'm super busy! BUT I really hope to make a commitment and build my business more!

Happy New Year All!

xo R